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Trespass is not limited to human beings. By causing an object to enter a property one can commit an act of trespass, whether it be earthworks, flood water, or objects thrown onto the property or allowed to travel onto the property. Therefore, throwing apples at a house is a tort, for which one can be held responsible civilly and/or criminally.

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Q: Is throwing apples at a house illegal?
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Is it illegal to purchase a throwing knife online in California?

Only switchblades are illegal in California.

What are unusual uses for apples?

bobbing for apples, making dolls for throwing, for painting, for making sculptures, and making a jock 'o' lantern out of them.

Are throwing stars legal in new york?

as long as the knive, throwing star, or whatever, is less than 6 inches, or less than four in the city, your fine if your just throwing it around in your house. talk about answering your own question. and also if it is concealed and you walking around with a concealed throwing star, that is technicly elegal.

What are the apples for in pokedex 3D for 3DS?

If you keep throwing apples, you will throw a golden one, which will make the pokemon do a different move animation than its default one.

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Throwing apples at the insect or stomping on it to get the insects attention.

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Are Shuriken illegal in Texas?

Shuriken are not illegal to own Texas. It is however illegal to carry them. A shuriken is a type of weapon that has pointed blades and is used by throwing them.

Are throwing stars legal in Pennsylvania?

No, throwing stars are not legal in Pennsylvania. Possession of throwing stars is considered a prohibited offensive weapon under state law. It is illegal to manufacture, sell, possess, or use throwing stars in Pennsylvania.

If I had 2 apples, and another 2 apples, and another 2 apples. How many would I have left?

I would have 7 apples because I have 1 apple in my house

What is the crime of throwing stones to your house?

Propety abuse???

Is scrumping legal?

Scrumping is an old word referring to stealing apples and stealing is illegal.