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No it is vandalism .

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Q: Is throwing a rock through a window an example of trespassing?
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Is throwing a rock through a window a form of trespassing under tort law?

Throwing a rock through a window can be considered a form of trespass to land under tort law if it results in damage to the property. Trespass to land typically involves an unauthorized physical intrusion onto someone's property or interference with their possessory rights. Damage caused by throwing the rock could lead to liability for the trespass.

How do you use trespassing in a sentence?

He was arrested for trespassing on private property.

What is sunlight traveling through a clear window an example of?

Sunlight traveling through a window is an example of transmission. The window transmits light. It could also be an example of refraction, as the light is slightly bent when it travels through the window.

What is the punishment for throwing a brick through someones window?

The punishment for throwing a brick through someone's window could vary depending on the circumstances, but it could include charges such as vandalism, property damage, or criminal mischief. The penalties could range from fines to potential jail time, especially if it is considered a felony offense.

How do you get faster access in database?

by throwing it out the window.

What word means to be thrown out a window?

Defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window.

What is the act of throwing a person out a window called?


What is the definition of defenestration?

the action of throwing someone out of a window.

What is an example of something transparent?

Something that allow you to look through it Example : a glass a plastic bag a glass window Best example : the glass used in spectacles is transprent so people can see through it :)

Can you shoot a body if someone unknown is throwing bricks through a window at night in Texas?

Yes, you have the right to use lethal force to protect your property at night in Texas.

A boy is throwing a stone at a girl's window 3m high 10 meters from the house If the stone is thrown at 15ms at an angle of 31 degrees to the ground will he hit the window?

To determine if the stone hits the window, calculate the trajectory of the stone using the vertical and horizontal components of its initial velocity. The time it takes for the stone to reach the window can be found using kinematic equations. If the time is sufficient for the stone to reach the height of the window, then it will hit the window.

What do you do if someone has been standing outside your window for 7 hours throwing gravel at your window asking to get a hamburger?

Call the police.....