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Well, for starters, you can run around and kill/assassinate any civilian you want without losing health. You can also go back to earlier memories and finish everything up for more for any missed achievements/gamerpoints/PS3 points.

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Q: Is there anything fun to do in Assassin's creed after the final assassination?
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Where is Assassins creed final assassination?

The final assasination is in Masyaf, within the castle. You will find Al Mualim (the leader of the Brotherhood) at the top of the castle, where you must kill him.

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Robert de Sable, Altair's final assassination target, is in Arsuf. The location is only unlocked for the final assassination sequence although I think it shows up on the map throughout the game anyways.

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NO, Assassin's Creed Brother hood is the Final Chapter of Assassin's Creed.

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you go and get the apple

Who are you in assassins creed 4?

i think you mean 3rd which is brotherhood your ezio. Brotherhood was the 3rd installement in the series but assassins creed 4 has been announced now and it is called "assassins creed revelations". revelations is the final chapter in Ezio Auditore's story. There for you will most probably use Ezio once again. Another person: Here is a list of all the ac games in order from 2008 to 2012 Assassins Creed (You are playing the fictional character of Altair Ibn La-Ahad in this game) Assassins Creed 2 (You are playing Ezio Auditore Da Firenze) Assassins Creed Brotherhood (Ezio again) Assassins Creed Revelations (Ezio) Assassins Creed III (Final Installment of the Assassins Creed series, in which you will be portraying Connor Kenway and his father)

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the final armor is altiars armor it is the lightes,most durible, and looks really cool.

How many games are in the Assassin's Creed series?

There are four assassins creed games out so far and I'm not sure if there is going to be another AC game but like all of you i am hoping there is. Another person: There are currently 6 games with the corresponding title of assassins Creed (here is a list of all the different games) Assassins Creed Assassins Creed II Assassins Creed BrotherHood Assassins Creed Revelations Assassins Creed III Assassins Creed III Revelations (features a female assassin)

What are the ranks in Assassins Creed Brotherhood?

for recruits there are 10 last being assassino(or something like that) i cannot list them -------------------------- the final rank is assassin

How do you compleate the final level in assassins creed?

Al Mualim can only be killed using your hidden blade. Throw him to the ground and assassinate him, or counter-attack with your hidden blade.

What was the memory found at the end of assassins creed?

After you beat the final boss, you then see a map of each piece of eden location and Desmond gets the eagle sight ability.

How do you unlock arsuf on assassins creed?

You can only get to it after Altair fails the third and final assassination in Jerusalem. If you exit Jerusalem and go into the Kingdom and check the map, you'll see that the way to Arsuf has opened up. It's Southeast of Acre.