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in a word. no. its illeagal. you need a parenal consent. its even illeagal for a 17 year old to marry a 14 year old. so no. sorry. good luck with fiing his problem.

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Q: Is there any way a 14 year old and a 17 year old can get married without the 14 year olds parents concent?
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Where can 16 year olds get married without their parents'?

You can't. No place in North America or Europe will issue a marriage license without parental consent or a court order. And a court is not likely to issue one if the parents object.

Say a 15 year olds parents were divorcedCould her mom get in trouble for letting her get married to a 19 year old without her dad knowing?

She cannot be married at 15, she must be at least 16.

Where can two 16-year-olds get married?

Any state with the parents consent.

Can your parents get in trouble if they give you consent to get married at 16?

No, in your state 14 year olds can get married with parental consent

How do sixteen-year olds get married in Iowa?

By obtaining their parents' consent. Iowa does allow marriage at 16 if the parents agree to it.

Can 15 year olds join an organisation without their parents?

Depends on what kind.

How old does a female need to be to get married in Mississippi without her parents permission?

The age to get married in most places in the US, including Mississippi, is 18. They will allow 16 or 17 year olds to get married if they have parental permission. Some counties will allow it with a court order.

What age can youget married in georia without parent consent?

The legal age to get married in Georgia without parental consent is 18. Most states and countries will allow 16 and 17 year olds to get married with the permission of the parents. Younger is seldom allowed, but a few places allow it with a court order and parental permission.

Could 13 year olds get married?

Ermm.... Well I know you have to be over 16 to get married with out your parents peremission but I think the answer is NO I'm not sure though.

Should eleven year olds have the rights to get married?

Well, I am 11 and I think we should have the rights to get married. And who ever says that we shouldn't have the rights, then screw them. but it also might be the parents decision. If you think 11 year olds should get married I am making a website for 9-15 year olds who wants to get married. It might be called it will be open at valentines day of 2012.

Are 18 year olds considered responsible?

If they can do all the things that 18 year olds are allowed to do, like getting married without parents permission, getting a loan, joining the military, fighting in wars, buying your own house and having kids then you would think they were responsible or they would not have these things.

Can 16-year-olds move out without their parents permission even if the parent is the legal guardian?

No. As long as you are a minor, you are subject to your parents' decisions.