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yes why, who are you anyway!

If we told you that we would have to kill you....

Answer: If you look for really retarded people in the world, you will find that most of them are 'white'. They don't keep their feet to the ground and float around seeking pleasure and indulgence flooded to them by the media around them.But that's just about the retards among the whites who forget their past, culture, history and religion(which is Jewish(Jesus Christ)) and lay mesmerised by the planes of Boeing and Airbus, fast cars, sexy lingerie, genetic mutation, cloning..and on and on and on. To sum up, THEY SIMPLY DECIDED TO OBEY THEIR RULERS. WHO ARE THESE RULERS?---A small minority of very intelligent, but totally immoral and corrupt and invisible people( O, believe me, they are WHITE Supremacists who think that a Third world 'life' is insignificant and worth the slaughter and suffocation meted out to them). THEY HAVE ABSOLUTE POWER IN THIS WORLD. They control the media, the universities(They shape the future according to their liking), the markets, trade and anything POWERFUL, You name it they have it. THEY ELECTED GOVERNMENTS ARE JUST HONORARY, Even president OBAMA will perform a strip dance to their tune. This invisible power is untouchable. All the DEVELOPING COUNTRIES ALSO ARE RUN BY THEM, they are all puppets. Not only that, all retarded people in their society will immediately obey them. They developed their vision after the second world war, and eliminate anyone--"nipping in the bud" who stand against them. They promote multiculturalism and social harmony, BUT THIS CAPITALIST SOCIETY ESTABLISHES A HIERARCHY between THE GOOD LOOKING and THE UGLY LOOKING and the sexy versus not so sexy. THEIR ONLY GOAL IS ABSOLUTE POWER, EVEN REACHING OUT OF THE PLANET. The Astronauts on board (a calculated mix of different ethnicities) the space shuttle, The prize winning movies of The OSCAR awards,The Nobel Prizes, etc donot happen without their consent. IF YOU CHALLENGE THEM, THEY will HUNT YOU DOWN. They EU some- times airs its differences in the open, but its just ceremonial, and there are no borders amongst the white countries, including US. THE US INDUSTRY , ARMY and its RESOURCES are just the TOOLS for this POWERFUL RULING ELITE.The more you advance technologically, the more you come under their control. DO YOU THINK NEWTON AND EINSTEIN GAVE TO THE WORLD ALL THEIR WORK FOR FREE?WHO are THEY? WHERE DO THESE POWERFUL FEW WHITE PEOPLE EXIST? HOW DO THEY COMMUNICATE AND CONTROL ALL OF THE TECHNOLOGY?This is a million dollar question, that i want to know.BUT BE CAREFUL, THE MOMENT YOU READ THIS, YOU WILL BE WATCHED AND HUNTED DOWN!

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Q: Is there an organization of people who secretly rule the world?
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Answer: This is such a funny question to me. No particular race of man rules this world. You can be black and rule this world. You can be Mexican and rule this world. So stop looking at people by the color of their freakin skin. We are ONE race and ONE race only!----HUMAN!Answer: For the most part, white people are the dominating race in almost all countries as they may have the most political power and influence even if they are not the majority. So, in a way, yes, white people do rule the world.

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