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Yes and that age is 18 (the age of majority in Georgia).

The custodial parent has the responsibility to ensure their minor child abides by the terms of the visitation order until the child reaches the age of majority. Otherwise, the custodial parent could be found in contempt of court and fined/jailed based on the same.

However the child is always free to make their wishes known to the judge, either in court when custody is being decided, by requesting a meeting with the judge, writing a letter to the judge expressing their wishes, or engaging an attorney or guardian ad litem to speak for them. The judge will take into consideration the wishes of the child, and generally, the older the child, the more weight is given to those wishes.

Ultimately, however, the judge will rule depending on what he or she feels would be in the best interests of the child.

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Q: Is there an age limit when a child can choose not to visit the other parent in a divorce in the state of Georgia?
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