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i think you have to do it before the child turns 18, but that is just what i think, im pretty sure though

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Q: Is there a time frame from when the baby is born that the father has to prove his paternity?
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Would you like to have a paternity test to prove it?

I am sure if a baby's parenting is in question, then a paternity test would need to be taken to find out for sure which person is the biological father.

If you let your parents have custody of your baby does the father have to sign some kind of papers?

The father of the baby would have to sign his rights over as a parent as long as paternity has been established. If the father has not signed or been named on the birth certificate and can prove paternity (through DNA testing) or other means he has a legal right to his child.

Can you tell paternity by blood type?

You can not tell paternity by blood type. You can rule out paternity by blood type. For example, if both parents are O negative and the baby is type A positive, you can rule out paternity. The only way to determine paternity is by a DNA test. A few of the baby's hairs and the father's hairs can be sent to a lab. The lab can determine paternity.

Do you legally have to take a paternity test?

If the father is listed as the father on the baby's birth certificate, a court will be reluctant to order him to take a paternity test. If he is not listed as the father on the birth certificate, you can file a lawsuit to order him to prove (or disprove) his paternity through a paternity test.

What is a good sentence using the word paternity?

Her paternal grandparents were granted custody. His love of all children is completely paternal.

Your dating this guy that got you pregnant and hes still married but separated from his wife and is a complete lowlife Does he or will he ever have any chance of getting the baby after its born?

The biological father can petition the court to have a paternity test to prove paternity. Once paternity is proven, the father can petition the court for visitation or custody. In most cases, the father would have to prove the mother unfit in order to receive full custody. The father is likely to get visitation unless the mother can prove a reason why he is an unfit father or there is a valid reason for the court to deny visitation.In the case of a married or separated man getting a girl pregnant, he isn't likely to petition the court to do anything. First, he probably won't want to pay child support if he is being a dead beat dad from the start. Second, he won't want to own up to his infidelity.The most important thing is to seek legal counsel if the father does petition the court for visitation or custody.

At what stage can a doctor confirm the biological father of an unborn child?

You can't confirm the father of an unborn child, but once the baby is born a paternity test can be done

If you are 15 and the father of your baby is 21 and in jail can you give the baby his last name?

Yes you can If he is on the birth certificate or has voluntarily accepted paternity, state laws usually allow such action. In cases where the former does not apply a paternity test will be required before the court allow the child to legally take the name of the biological father.

What do you have to do to have your boyfriend's name on my baby's birth certificate as the father?

Is he actually the father, or are you planning to commit paternity fraud?

Can you file for a paternity test if the father wants to be involved in the childs life if it turns out to be that the child is his. But the mother says she does not want the father around?

After the baby is born the father can go to court and request a paternity test. If the test confirms the father's paternity he can request custody and a visitation order and the court will establish a child support order. The mother cannot refuse to obey the court orders that establish the father's rights. If she does, she could eventually lose custody.

What are the release dates for Trisha - 2012 I Will Prove My Dead Grandson Is Not Your Baby's Father 2-57?

Trisha - 2012 I Will Prove My Dead Grandson Is Not Your Baby's Father 2-57 was released on: USA: 23 December 2013

Why can blood type data cannot prove who the father of a baby is and can only prove who is not?

Blood type data can only exclude potential fathers based on incompatible blood types. This is because blood type inheritance follows predictable patterns, but there can be exceptions due to genetic variations. Without additional genetic testing to determine paternity, blood type data alone cannot conclusively prove who the father of a baby is.