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Massachusetts does not have a cooling off period in which you can cancel a signed contract.

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Q: Is there a law in MA for a time frame to cancel a signed contract?
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Can I cancel a contract that I signed if it is within 72 hours?

A contract is legally binding and in general you cannot cancel it. The only exception is if the contract states there is a period of time to cancel it. Many people have the wrong information on this topic.

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The details of the dating service commitment is stated in the contract that is signed. Some dating services may allow you to cancel before a certain period of time has passed.

How much time do you have to cancel a used car purchase in Texas?

Buyers remorse in Texas does not cover cars. If you agree to buy a car, and have signed a contract and put down a deposit, it is up to the seller to determine how much time you have to cancel. You may be unable to cancel without losing your deposit.

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There is nothing to prevent it. Legal contracts can be signed at any time.

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You've got to wait until the contract expires. When you open your contract with Sky it tells you depending on the terms of your contract, how many days you need to be with them consecutively and after such time expires you may cancel.

When can you sign a contract?

.You should be able to sign a contract at any time. Most contracts do not require a certain time of the day for the contract to be signed. Many contracts have a time limit

Can a home policy be cancelled with pending claim?

Yes, it happens all the time. The homeowner can cancel the policy at any time or the company might cancel for various reasons outlined in the policy (insurance contract) you signed. Either party, the insured, or the company, could cancel the policy, However if it is a choice of the homeowner, it would be best to maintain the policy as is untill the claim is resolved. You want to remember that once you cancel your policy. You will no longer have an agent in that company to advocate on your behalf.

Length of time to cancel a timeshare contract in Missouri?

The recision time to cancel a timeshare contract in Missouri is 7 business days. If you are unable to cancel within the seven days there are companies out there like Timeshare Advocacy Int. that can help cancel your contract as long as you are within the first year of the contract. The rescission period for timeshares vary from state to state. Typically it range from 3 days to 2 weeks. But to make sure the rescission period in Missouri, try to contact the BBB in your local area.

Can I cancel a vehicle contract in California if I didn't receive a copy of the signed contract after taking vehicle possession?

Probably not. It's very difficult to prove you didn't get something. You could try contacting an attorney, but basically you're going to go to court and say "they never gave me a copy of the contract" and they're going to say "yes we did" and the judge is going to say "get out of my courtroom and stop wasting my time; you should have insisted on getting a copy at the time you signed it, what's wrong with you anyway."

Can a new law change a contract?

No. The contract is bound by the law that existed and was known to the parties at the time the contract was drawn up and signed.

In the State of Florida How many days do you have to cancel a new car purchase contract.?

There is no 3 day to cancel a new car purchase contract. The only time you have 3 days if the dealer came to your house or place of business and Solicit you. There is no 3 day to cancel a new car purchase contract. The only time you have 3 days if the dealer came to your house or place of business and Solicit you. ------------------------------------------------------------- Always read your contract before you deal with dealer, And I think is 10 days is very common for cancel your contract but it all are depend on your down payment & dealer's financial condition.

Can a contract be broken if the person who signed it was mentally unstable at the time of signing'?

a contract is void when it is lacking mental capacity