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There is no such thing as a "right to privacy" for anyone.

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Q: Is there a Right to Privacy while in the process of a divorce?
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Is the constitutional right to privacy specific or implied?

While the right to privacy isn't specifically mentioned in the Constitution, the US Supreme Court decided privacy is an implied right under the 14th Amendment Due Process Clause.The judicial concept is called "Substantive Due Process," which holds that the Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause is intended to protect all unenumerated rights considered fundamental and "implicit in the concept of ordered liberty," among these the right to privacy. Use of Substantive Due Process is considered judicial activism, in that it seeks to limit the scope of laws that undermine personal liberty, even if the law doesn't address a right specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

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Can on one get married while divorce in process in CA?

You're kidding, right? If you are still married, you can not legally marry another! No one cares if you have a divorce in progress or not. It's like being pregnant; you are either married (can't legally marry another) or you or divorced. There is no in between.

Can you divorce while in bankruptcy?

Yes, you can divorce while in bankruptcy. Bankruptcy has no effect on whether you can divorce or not. While divorce and bankruptcy can occur simultaneously, it can end up delaying the bankruptcy process. Ultimately the proceedings can continue and the parties can divorce without issue. I've written more about this here:

Any news on the gosselin kids?

No, Not right now [July of 2009] they are just preparing for their parents divorce. Divorce papers were filed on June 22nd 2009, but it takes a while to get a divorce.

Do you have a right to privacy in jail?

In general, the right to privacy is limited while in jail. While inmates still have some privacy rights, such as the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, these rights are typically more restricted compared to those enjoyed by individuals in the community. The level of privacy can vary depending on the jurisdiction and specific circumstances, but in many cases, privacy is limited in order to maintain security and safety within the prison environment.

How long does it take to get a divorce without your spouse's signature?

Many divorces are mutual between spouses but if your spouse refuses to sign your divorce papers, the process can take significantly longer. While there is no guarantee, your divorce could anywhere from a month to a year longer than an uncontested divorce.

In California can a spouse legally terminate the other spouses medical benefits while in process of divorce?

Certainly not- it would be illegal

When can a minors may act on their own behalf regarding privacy rules?

Most minors forfeit a right to privacy in the home while they are under eighteen. Some states may have different specifications.

What is the zones of privacy of the 9th amendment?

The Ninth Amendment protects unenumerated rights not specifically listed in the Constitution, including zones of privacy. This means that individuals have rights that are not explicitly stated in the Constitution, such as the right to privacy, which can be invoked to protect personal autonomy and decision-making in certain areas of life. While the Ninth Amendment doesn't explicitly mention privacy, it has been interpreted by the courts to encompass the right to privacy.

What if a married man loves a single woman unconditionally while in process of getting divorce from his wife?

Evidence is that his "unconditional love" is fickle.

What religion has general privacy observed while bathing?

Islam has general privacy observed while bathing (ablution).