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No there is not. In Arizona a parent may only terminate their rights voluntarily in preparation for an adoption. In other cases, the courts may terminate rights involuntarily in certain and dire circumstances. Both scenarios are after the birth of the child, not before.

Until an adoption is legalized or if adoption isn't going to happen, the parent's obligation to support their child does not end with the termination of their rights. All that does is terminate the parent's right to see their child and have any say-so in their lives.

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Q: Is there a AZ legal form for father to terminate rights of an unborn child?
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Termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

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In England and Wales, a foetus is considered to be a part of the womans body, so a father has no rights over it.

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In all 50 states, you have to wait for the child to be born before you can forfeit your rights to a child.

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No. The biological father can give up his rights and if your husband then want to be more than a step parent, who have no rights to the child, can adopt your child. Or not, that is your choice as the parent.

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