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"info domain" would be a contraction of "information domain", which would be primarily a descriptive term, not a trademark (unless used in a context outside of computer science). Furthermore, words and phrases cannot be copyrighted.

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Q: Is the word info domain a trademark or copyright?
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Heinz does not have copyright on the word Heinz, but it does have a trademark on the name.

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Nobody owns the copyright of a single word. Perhaps you mean trademark.

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Often the (r) symbol is considered part of the trademark and always appears with it; this is certainly the case with logos.

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It is not a matter of copyright; rather, it is one having to do with trademarks. Answers Corp. received a registered trademark for the word "WikiAnswers" in July 2009.

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Under U.S. copyright law, individual words cannot be registered for copyright. If "bamboo" is being used to identify the source of goods or services, it can (in general) be trademarked. (Thus, someone could have a restaurant named Bamboo and be able to keep other restaurants from using that name.) For more information on copyright in the U.S., see . For information on trademarks in the U.S., wee the website of the United State Patent and Trademark Office, Note that the United States has both state and federal trademark law, so the use of a name may be protected even if it does not appear in the TESS database of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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Mac is a Trademark of Apple. It may not be used in relation to a computer, computer system, or operating system software. See link below for full definition.

Is the word copyright singular or plural?

The word copyright is a singular uncountable noun.

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What word actually has copyrights?

No single word is eligible for copyright protection.Single words can be Trademarked, such a Xerox or Coca-Cola.The biggest difference is that there is no expiration for a trademark and it can be kept forever, while copyrights don't last forever.Actually, there IS a word that's copyrighted, this is illegal for me to tell the word, but its not like they can track me down! The word is, REALTOR.The word REALTOR® is trademarked, not copyrighted. The registered trademark is held by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and has, as required by trademark holders, been defended vigorously over the years.See the link below for the most recent legal action (Zimmerman vs. NAR, 2004) regarding the mark and an explanation of why it was registered.

Is the word domain a preposition?

No, domain is a noun.

Can you sue a company who bought a domain name the same as your own after you got yours?

If you own the trademark on the keywords/ name of the domain, then you may have grounds to pursue legal action. If it is a generic word/s, then you may struggle to have a case. I would recommend seeking legal advice from someone who specialises in online/ digital law.