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yes, somalia is a nuclear super power and will eventually take over the world. There only rival is the republic of Mozambique.

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Q: Is the somali mafia the strongest gang?
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What is the strongest gang?

the strongest gang in n.z is H.A.B THATS TAYLLIS GANG Mafia probably, their all over the world- if you're concerned about population As fas as power goes, it's probably the Mexican Mafia or a gang like that or the B.I.A. who credit all of their strength to God- they're like Gangsta Christians. And then you got alliances which would probably be the Folk Nation which entitles Crips and more. Under that might be some New Orleans gang whose names escape me but they have brown and grey colors

What is the La Gran Mafia gang in California?

La Gran Mafia is not a gang, it is a Hispanic mafia in which several Southern Cali gangs, called Surenos are under.

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There is no one best it's too many best one's out there to name just one... Black Mafia Family(African American Mafia) Mexican Mafia(Not exclusevly Mexican, anyone can join) La Cosa Nostra(Italian Mafia) Russian Mafia Zion Mafia(Arabic Mafia)

What is the most deadly gang?

The mafia that originated from russia so the Russian mafia of the Italian mafia is to or the Mexican mafia

What color is La Gran Mafia gang?

La Gran Mafia is the alliance, Surenos is the gang, and all gangs under La Gran Mafia wear the color brown.

Do you have gang membersin GTA4?

yes you have gang friends in gta 4: McReary's- Irish mafia Pegorino's- Italian mafia Faustin/Rascolov- Russian mafia/you become enemies

What gang was fabolous in?

Fabolous was, and still is in the Black Mafia Family gang.==Side Notes=The Black Mafia Family are NOT Crips, they are their own gang,

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What is a mobster in Mafia Wars?

In Mafia Wars a mobster is your gang member. The more mobsters you have the bigger Mafia size you get.

What is the Mexican mafia?

the Mexican mafia is a gang inside a prison in cali that started in the 1950

What gang is jeezy in?

bmf, black mafia