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It can be but sentences very widely from place to place and from crime to crime.

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Q: Is the punishment for 1st degree murder the death penalty?
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What is the punishment for 1st degree murder of a police officer?

In those states which still have the death penalty it is death. In those states which no longer have the death penalty it is life imprisonment.

Can you seek a first degree murder charge in a state that does not carry the death penalty?

Yes. States that do not have capital punishment still prosecute persons for homicide in the first degree.

Why do states with death penalty have lower murder rates?

I belive its the fear of punishment

What is the Punishment for First Degree Murder?

The punishment for first degree murder varies by jurisdiction, but it typically includes a lengthy prison sentence, up to and including life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, or in some cases, the death penalty.

How would each perspective on criminal justice view the use of the death penalty as a sanction for first-degree murder?

As first-degree murder is planned beforehand, then the use of death penalty may be appropriate, but this is my opinion.

Is stiff penalty same as death penalty?

When someone refers to a 'stiff penalty' it is just a way of saying that a person will get the maximum punishment that the law allows for that particular crime. Such as armed robbery may carry a penalty of 25 years to life. The stiffest penalty for this crime would be life. The death penalty is definitely the stiffest penalty for murder in the 1st degree. It is the maximum punishment for taking someones life with premeditation or several other factors that decide if a case is elegible for capital punishment.

What is Second degree murder charges?

In Canada if a person still has three prior assault charges pending,what happens when he gets a new charge of second degree murder? could he get out on bail,and how much jail time is he looking at?

What was the punishment for murder in Kenya?

In Kenya, murder is punishable by death. The death penalty is carried out by hanging. However, in practice, Kenya has not carried out executions in recent years.

What are the myths concerning capital punishment?

Myth: The death penalty acts as a deterrent to future capital punishment. This is wrong because, simply, there is no empirical basis for the claim. Ironically, studies have shown that murder rates in non-death penalty states are lower than they are in states that actually enforce the death penalty.

What is meant by capital punishment?

That you are for capital punishment. So you would be pro death penalty or for the death penalty.

What is meant by pro capital punishment?

That you are for capital punishment. So you would be pro death penalty or for the death penalty.

Is the death penalty a law?

The "death penalty," also known as capital punishment, is not a law but a consequence for committing specific, serious crimes such as murder, treason, etc.Not all countries use capital punishment.