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There are some places that will grant you a one signature divorce. It depends a lot on your circumstances. It may be handled differently if it is abandonment, or if it is contested. Either way, in many locations, it is still possible. It is best to seek legal advice in the area in which you reside.

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No you have to have both parties sign the divorce because if you don't and you get remarried you could be reported for bigamy ( it's illegal).

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Yes. Only one person needs to sign the divorce papers but the other needs to be served legally in compliance with local laws.

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Can you get remarried in one state while married to another person in another state if divorce papers are about to be signed by the judge?

Absolutely not. You would still be married to your first spouse and your remarriage would be invalid. You cannot be legally remarried while you are still married to your spouse. Papers "about to be signed" are not signed and carry no legal significance whatsoever. You are not divorced until the judge signs the decree and it is entered into the record.

What if divorce papers sent are not signed by plaintiff?

Then you're NOT divorced. Both husband and wife MUST sign the divorce papers for the disillusion of marriage to be legal.

Is a divorce legal if no papers were signed after the court date?

Generally, the divorce is legal once the decree has been issued.

Just because divorce papers are signed does not mean you are divorced?

If you are talking about being signed by the spouses, then no. Before a divorce is final it has to be approved by a judge. The judge actually grants the divorce, your signatures only show that you both agree to the divorce.

If your divorce went before court by lawyer and judge granted and signed divorce papers does the lawyer still have to file the papers?

No. The judgment would be entered by the court. You can visit the court and request a copy of the judgment of divorce.

For a divorce when does the 60 day waiting period begin when the papers are filed or when they are signed by both parties?

signed by both parties

What do you do if your husband in prison you file for a divorce and he won't signed the papers?

Have an affair and live the way you like...!

What is the time frame for filing divorce papers once signed?

30 days in some states

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As long as you are Legally separated - have separation papers you have both signed, have proof of separate residences then you should be okay. If the divorce isn't going well or if he is contesting it then be careful - wait until the divorce is final or it could make things more complicated and used against you.

Are there any rights for a woman who had to sign adoption papers at a young age?

The rights for a woman who signed adoption papers when she was very young vary by state, but if everything was done legally there is usually no going back. A family law attorney in the state where the papers were signed can let you know if it was done legally or not.

What can i do my husband signed divorce and custody papers from me by cheating?

The best thing to do is to seek legal counsel from an attorney .