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The application of the death penalty is not restricted by the political environment. Civilian law is not changed. The military also has the death penalty and most of the instances are associated with wartime events.

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Q: Is the death penalty allowed during a time of war?
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Lethal injection is the only option at this time for the death penalty.

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The state is allowed to execute someone if that state is among those who have voted for the death penalty. There arer 35 states that allow it, although some haven't used it in a long time.

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If the kicking team has substitutions remaining, then a substitute be brought on to take a penalty kick, both during regulation, extra, or extended time. A substitution is not allowed during kicks from the penalty mark to decide a winner, except in the case of goal keeper injury.

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no, the death penalty was abolished in Ireland some time ago and the last execution was in 1954

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Don't quite understand the question. The application of the death penalty is one of the rights preserved to the states. There is no federal law that addresses, it or forbids it. Currently 35 of the 50 states plus the US Government and US Military have a death penalty in effect, although several have not exercised it in some time.

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0 to the Death Penalty depending on circumstances

What happened to witches in Shakespeare time?

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