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Yes, technically it still is. If you don't believe me, look at the politicians in charge, and the media. also there are secret christian groups who control the media, if you think that, that is just a conspiracy theory, look up 50 Cent' cross in the news, he was verbally attacked by one of the groups for wearing a christian symbol around his neck while "promoting satanism."


Yes, One Nation Under God. That God is the Christian God.

AnswerWell... Technically speaking, the United States was never a Christian nation, in the fact that the U.S. never has had a state religion, or endorsed any religion. So, in that regard, the U.S. has always been non-religious.

Now, the vast majority of the original population of the 13 Colonies were of some Christian denomination; many of the Founding Fathers were Christian, but a significant number were also Deist, which is NOT Christian. Culturally-speaking, the United States has drawn on a Judeo-Christian background for many of its morals and principles, but this has slowly decreased over time, as what it means to be "Christian" has broadened and fragmented over time, and the percentage of Christians in the populace has slowly declined.

So, yes, the United States has some Christian iconography, imagery, and saying scattered throughout its government. In addition, as the morality of a timeperiod generally defines the laws of the time, Christian values and morals (as Christianity was the very large majority religion of the populace) heavily influenced laws and legal matters, particularly during the first half of the U.S.'s existence.

So, to label the government as "Christian" is really a mistake; rather, the culture is based on Christianity.

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No, the US Constitution clearly states that people have the freedom to practice whatever religion they want. While the majority of people in the US profess to be Christian that is their individual choice; not the mandate or will of the government.

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It depends on who is doing the considering.

1) No: This is the most common international answer and the most commonly accepted domestic answer. The United States officially declares that it has not state religion and does not endorse any religious dogma as a basis for governance.

2) Yes: The United States is predominantly Christian in terms of the religions practiced by its citizens and many laws, especially in certain parts of the country, are strongly influenced by Christian beliefs. In addition, many other religious countries, such as Saudi Arabia, consider the United States to be a Christian Nation because of the overall level of religiousness of its people (as opposed to say France which has become de facto atheist).

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