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Q: Is the US a pluralist model of power?
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IS the US elitism or pluralist? is

What is a pluralist?

Pluralist Approach states that in power, nothing categorical about power can be assumed in any community

What is the pluralist of power?

Many people hold power

Is the US elitist theories or pluralist theories?

Type your answer here... pluralist is the best example of American gv't but elite also wiorks some stages

The type of theory of power that argues that many people have access to power is what?


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The type of theory of power that argues that many people have access to power is what type?


What theory is the type of theory of power that argues that many people have access to power?


What is a pluralist approach?

A pluralist approach is a belief that multiple different groups, opinions, and perspectives can coexist and contribute to society. It values diversity and recognizes the importance of tolerance, openness, and inclusivity in decision-making processes.

Who holds power according to the pluralist theory?

many groups of people

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What Theories hold that many ordinary people have access power?
