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The CIA could be spying on anyone. Fortunately, I am going to venture to guess that they are not spying on me. The CIA is more focused on people that are performing in illegal activities.

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Q: Is the CIA spying on you?
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The CIA is forbidden to engage in spying on members of the us congress because?

Because the CIA is forbidden to spy on American citizens.

Middle eastern country unhappy with the alleged spying by the CIA?

All of them but mostly Syria and iran.

What kind of technology can be used to fight terrorism?

spying tracking mainly all the CIA and spcial forces do and if to say one country needed help like the US can ask for britan's SIS (its like CIA)

What role did the CIA play in the cold war?

The CIA actually offered military support, consisting in weapons, to Afghanistan in their conflict against the Russians. You can watch "Charlie Wilson's war" or read the book with the same name.

What are the penalties under the patroit act for spying?

In short, castration. In detail, extreme castration by crocodiles (authorized by the CIA to carry such missions since the Cuban Miss-isle Crysis)

How did the cold war bring about reforms in the US military and intelligence establishments in the 1940s and 1950s?

The Cold War helped to create the CIA and other spy organizations throughout the military. The Soviet Union had the KGB and with the CIA and FBI the U.S. responded. Thus began spying on each other.

Is CIA negative or positive?

the CIA can be a very respectful organization that can be helpful. they did report hijackers before the attacks or 9-11 and Pentagon attacks. but they never did follow up on that event.Senate Select Intelligence Committee reported in 1976-CIA spying on Americans at home since it's original creation300,000 AAmericans were reported to be in the intelligence index in the CIA files. and they have false information during the Bush administration to justify the Iraq war. it depends on the situation.

How do you spell spying?

The correct spelling is "spying."

Then why are there CIA offiCIAls?

Countries need to protect themselves from attacks and spying from other countries. They almost all have an external security force such as the British MI6 and the US CIA. The CIA only has a mandate to act outside of the United States and against people who are not citizens of the USA. If they need to work against US citizens or they need to do their job inside the USA then they require the prior apporval of the FBI. This answer does not take into account peoples personal opinion of the CIA, its failures or its successes, nor should it.

Are spies still used in the us army?

The US Army has intelligence units and intelligence sections within each headquarters units who are responsible for gather information on enemy units, strengths, and movements. Spying, per se, is the venue of the CIA.

Are games on facebook spying on you?

no face book games are not spying on anyone.

When was Carry On Spying created?

Carry On Spying was created in 1964-06.