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No, it is not against the law however it does go against many Church beliefs. I don't know about what this person is saying because if you attempt suicide and fail police can take you into custedy and put you in the hospital were they can put a hold on you and you lose your freedom.

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Q: Is suicide against the law in the USA if so what happens if you attempt it and fail?
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Is suicide against the law in the UK if so what happens if you attempt it and fail?

Suicide is not against the law in the UK. It was until the 1961 Suicide Act which legalised it and introduced laws which dealt with assistance of suicide. Prior to 1961 suicide was illegal in the UK and was punishable by prison and fines (but not death!)

If you attempt suicide and fail do you have to fill out a statement?

People who attempt suicide usually make a statement beforehand; this is called a "suicide note". "Committing" suicide is completing the act successfully; only an attempt may fail. If you tried to kill yourself and failed, count yourself lucky and GET HELP; make any related statements to a therapist or counselor.

What is meant by 'suicide attempt'?

well it is when they try to kill them selfs, and fail/are stopped. can be they tried an action (slitting wrists, shooting them selfs etc.) but survived it, or that they were stopped at the last minute.

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The one time he's known to have tried to kill himself, he succeeded. Some people claim that Hitler contemplated suicide in 1923, but there's no real proof that he ever got as far as an actual attempt.

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A suicide attempt with Tylenol is painful. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and irritability are all symptoms of an overdose. Tylenol affects the liver and may cause the liver to fail requiring a transplant, and they will experience all the symptoms of liver failure including jaundice, diarrhea, swollen abdomen, easy bleeding, fatigue, and mental conditions. Tylenol may also cause kidney, heart, and multiple organ failure. People who survive a Tylenol suicide attempt regret the attempt greatly.

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It is not possible to hack for tickets with cheat engine. Any attempt to hack for tickets is likely to fail and may result in banishment from Roblox. It is against the terms of service to even attempt to do so.

How do you put suicide into a sentence?

Many hotlines work to prevent suicide. Many people who fail in their attempts to commit suicide say they are glad they failed.

Has anyone ever committed suicide and lived?

No, because if you try to kill yourself and succeed its suicide but if try to kill yourself and fail then its attempted suicide.

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Because you touch yourself at night.

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You get to try again without anything against you. :)

Is it illegal to commit suicide in Texas?

Bottom line: If you commit suicide anywhere, you cannot get arrested, as a dead body is pointless to get arrested...BUT. others have said:Yes, suicide or attempted suicide is illegal in all 50 states.No...Suicide(the act of successfully ending your own life) is perfectly legal in all 50 states in the USA.Attempted suicide,meaning you failed in the actual attempt/method to end your own life such a failed overdosing,self mutilation or jumping from a bridge or other structure and being injured and not killed ect. is illegal in all 50 states of the USA.To date not one single person has ever been charged, prosecuted and sentenced for committing suicide. Suicide is not a crime because you can not arrest,charge,prosecute or sentence a dead body in a court of law.

When did the first US satellite attempt fail?

december 1957