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It depends on how fast you were going in ratio to the speed limit. The higher the speed, the more serious the traffic violation up to reckless driving.

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Q: Is speeding a minor traffic violation?
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Is a DUI a crime or traffic violation?

Both. Even the most minor traffic violation is a crime. Speeding is a crime. The sign says speed "LIMIT" not speed suggestion. This is a law. Any law broken is an illegal act hence a crime.

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Why do police give speeding tickets?

Because driving above the speed limit is a traffic violation

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What traffic crime can turn into a felony?

Speeding. Doubling the speed limit will turn a violation into a felony.

What are causes for a police to do a traffic stop?

Anything that is illegal, which can be no license plate lights (Equipment Violation) to speeding (Driving Violation) and everything in between.

What is cheaper a moving violation or a speeding ticket?

A speeding ticket IS a moving violation.

How much would it cost in Wisconsin for your speeding ticket to be dropped from a moving violation to a non-moving violation?

Depends on the state traffic laws. And probbly if it was on an interstate or residential roadway.

Can police confiscate a drivers license for minor traffic violation?

No. And why would they confiscate your license anyways?

Explain how a violation and an infraction are different?

violations can be minor crimes or major crimes, while an infraction is a minor offense or petty crime. examples include jaywalking, traffic violation, and littering. -jcisneros