Public domain software is generally made available at no cost.
Yes Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is public domain.
In place of a copyright notice, explicitly state that you wish to donate the work to the public domain.
No; it will be protected through 2156, 70 years after the death of the last surviving creator. I wish I were joking.
Because notification is not required for copyright protection, individuals and organizations who wish to donate their works to the public domain tend to make that clear in writing to avoid confusion. For example, the Consumer Product Safety Division article on Halloween safety has this notice:CPSC documents are in the public domain; a CPSC document may be reproduced without change in part or whole by an individual or organization without permission.
1. contact the domain Owner, buy the domain 2. wait the domain delete, then, Registration
All you need to know is that single-hood is actually pretty great. In my opinion, in some relationships that you get into, you sometimes wish you were single again. Enjoy your single-hood while it lasts.
I Wish That I Could Hurt That Way Again was created in 1986.
You can easily contact the holder of the domain from the website itself. From that, you simply state that you wish to purchase the domain from him and things can be worked out between you.
If you don't wish for your work to be protected by copyright, you may donate it to the public domain so that anyone can use, alter, copy, distribute, or display it. Keep in mind this enables others to make money from your work.
James does not wish their relationship to be public
i wish my son alive again