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Georgia or anywhere, if the tires belong to someone else then you are destroying their property.

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Q: Is slashing goodyear tires a felony in Georgia or What is the offence for the crime?
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Is slashing goodyear tires a felony?

If they are not yours, slashing ANY tire is a felony. If they are yours, you are free to do whatever you wish, Goodyear or not.

How do you expunge a felony in Georgia?

How do you expunge a felony in Georgia.

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Not in USA. its not a criminal offence at all.

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Is check fraud a felony in GA?

Yes it is. Not only that it is a Federal offence.

Is a DUI a felony in Georgia?

In Georgia, a DUI will become a felony on the fourth offense within ten years.A DUI becomes a felony in Georgia after the fourth offense within ten years

Is stealing a gun a felony?

It sort of depends, but basically, yes.yes it is a huge felony you will go to jail or even prison and pay a huge fineAnother View: (in the US) Actually it will depend on the value of the firearm that was stolen. The very fact that it is was a firearm that was stolen does NOT automatically make it a felony offense, it is the dollar value of the weapon. An exception to this might be if the person stealing the weapon was a convicted felon. THAT fact alone would be enough to charge them with a felony regardless of the cost of the gun.FurtherA felony is committing an offence. The technical description of such an offence varies from country to country.Stealing is an offence. The technical description of such an offence varies from country to country.

Is first DWI a felony offense?

Answer No. Answer Whether an offence is a felony is determine by the law of each state. See discussion page:Austin Texas

What is a Felony F?

A class F felony is not considered to be a very serious offence. However, this class of felony is punishable by 10 to 41 months in jail or a fine of not more than $25,000. .

Is a DUI considered a felony in Georgia?

In Georgia, a DUI will become a felony upon the fourth offense committed within ten years. Prior to that, they will be misdemeanors.

How can you get your gun rights back in Georgia if you have a felony?

If your crime was only a felony under Georgia law, it is possible to apply for relief of disability. If your crime was a felony under federal law, it's not going to happen.

Is a terroristic threat a felony in Georgia?

Yes!! Its a "forcible felony" which is considered a very violent crime!!