The school that has the 3rd best fights in
To represent a school well is to join many activities and try to stay out of trouble if you go anywhere if they know your school or you can stay out of fights and not get into fights.
The most school that has the most fights in
The exact number of school fights per year can vary, but on average, there are about 800,000 incidents of violence in U.S. schools annually. However, it's important to note that this number can fluctuate based on various factors like school size, location, and demographics.
about 10 in one middle school.
It will make your school get into fights
2 weeks
Fights as in people being mean towards one another? Because if so, all schools have fights no matter what the cost, or what the people in it.
when he was at school he all ways fights
chemicals, fights,fall etc.
Hit em
Starting fights with people.