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Jail time for a felony risk of injury to a minor is at the discretion of the judge. A judge will determine the sentence for any crime presented in their court.

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Q: Is risk of injury to a minor a felony?
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What is the verdict for risk of injury to a minor?

There are only TWO possible verdicts in any criminal action. Guilty or Not Guilty.

What are the terms catastrophic critical marginal and negiligible used in the risk assessment matrix refer to the level of?

These terms are utilized in assessing the severity of the adverse event's effect:Catastrophic - Multiple DeathsCritical - One Death or Multiple Severe InjuriesMarginal - One Severe Injury or Multiple Minor InjuriesNegligible - One Minor Injury

Is contributing to a minor a felony in Texas?

No, you can contribute to a minor to support whatever charity that minor might be collecting for. If you contribute to that minor's DELINQUENCY, though, you could be charged with a felony depending on how you were arraigned.

Is procuring to a minor in Nebraska a felony or a misdemeanor?

Purchase or Possession of Alcohol by a Minor Class III misdemeanor with up to $500 fine and/or 3 months in jail or up to ten days of work on public streets and in parks. Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 28-106, 53-180.02, 53-180.05

What is the difference between a a major and a minor injury?

Major injury may lead to death, whereas minor injury does not lead to death.

What does minor injury mean?

A minor injury is one that is not considered serious or life endangering. If a person has a minor injury, it only needs minimal medical treatment, if any at all.

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Osteoarthritis of the spine increases the risk of whiplash injury.

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What do catastrophic critical marginal and negligible refer to in the risk assessment matrix?

catastrophic - severe risk with potential for major loss of life and/or propertycritical - severe riskmarginal - minor risknegligible - improbable and little chance for loss or injury

Are farmers a higher disability risk?

It's a function of what work can be done with say a minor injury. If you have a desk job and break your leg, you can probably still do the job and there is no disability.

What is a felony LSA injury charge mean?

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