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no, when you plant it, its a grass. when you eat it, its a grain

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Yes, rice can grow into a plant.

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Q: Is rice a seed
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Is rice seed a dicot seed?

No, rice seed is a monocot seed. Monocot seeds have one seed leaf (cotyledon), while dicot seeds have two seed leaves. Rice plants are monocots, belonging to the Monocotyledonae class of flowering plants.

Does rice have seeds?

Rice is the seed

What did the rice seed turn into?

More rice

What is the function of the rice seeder?

to seed rice


to seed rice

If rice is a seed then is it a fruit?

rice is classified as a grain

Is rice made from something that grew in soil?

Yes, rice is a plant. The rice that we eat is the seed of the rice plant, just as wheat is the seed of the wheat plant. Both rice and wheat are types of grass.

How was rice discovered?

people found a rice seed and planted it

What is a swamp seed?

a swamp seed is also the rice we eat today

Is rice grain a seed?

Yes it is.

What is the mode of seed dispersal of rice?

By wind

Do you need seeds to grow rice?

Yes, rice is an annual plant; both types of commercial rice are propagated from seed.