Pepper spray is legal in Georgia.
Yes, pepper spray is legal for civilian use in Philadelphia, but there are restrictions on the amount of pepper spray that can be carried and where it can be used. It is always advisable to check the specific laws and regulations regarding pepper spray in the city to ensure compliance.
Pepper spray is perfectly legal to be carried in Nebraska for self defense.
Is pepper spray legal in the us virgin islands
Pepper spray is totally legal to carry in NC.
Yes, it can be carried if you fear for your safety and/or at risk and can be used in self defence.
Yes, pepper spray is legal for civilian use in Hawaii. However, there are restrictions on the size and strength of the pepper spray that can be carried. It is always advisable to check local laws and regulations before purchasing or carrying pepper spray in any location.
Pepper spray is legal in California, but there are certain restrictions. In California, pepper spray must be 2.5 ounces or less. In order to legally purchase, possess, or use pepper spray, any canister must have a label that says "WARNING: The use of this substance or device for any purpose other than self-defense is a crime under the law. The contents are dangerous--use with care." The maximum legal net weight for a canister is 2.5 ounces, or 70 grams of OC, CS or CN. CR is not legal for civilian use.Pepper spray in California is prohibited from minors, drug addicts, or those who have been convicted of felonies.
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