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yes in fact it is

Paying taxes is an obligation imposed by the Government and not a right. A right is something that is inalienable and that the government can not take away or control. Rights include freedom of speach, the right to vote, the right not to vote and freedom of religion.

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Q: Is paying taxes a basic civil right?
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Is paying taxes a civil right?

I think the government considers it a duty.

Which events inspired thoreau to write civil disobedience?

He was arrested for not paying taxes.

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He practiced civil disobedience by not paying taxes to protest the war.

Why did Thoreau write Civil disobedience.?

To explain his reaction to being arrested for not paying taxes

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What do paying taxes and driving on the right side of the road?

they both are responsibility of citizens

Which is a duty of American citizen?

paying taxes

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because they don t have civil right and

Is paying taxes a duty or a responsibility?

is paying taxes a duty or a responseibility

Are the American people still paying a tax to fund the civil war?

No just a portion of our taxes go to military funding

Amendment that gave us the right to vote without paying taxes?

The 24th Amendment to the US Constitution