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  • It is a Federal crime and up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine to hide keep or open others peoples mail without permission if you are reported you will want to return the mail to the post office. This is true even if the person the mail is addressed to lives in the same household.
  • Even the person who delivers your mail and keeps any mail or ceases to deliver that mail and keeps it can lose their job, fine or put in prison. If an envelope is addressed to two people then either of those two people have the right to open that mail.
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15y ago

Technically, yes, it is. "Tampering with the US Mail." If the mail is delivered to your address but the addressee does not live there - simply mark it as "undeliverable" or "unknown" and return it to the carrier. Just because you reside there does not give you any special privilege to snoop through other peoples mail.

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15y ago

Yes! It's a felony and a federal crime. Unless you have their knowledge and permission, in which case it's no big deal.

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13y ago

Yes. If it wasn't addressed to you, you have no right to it.

US Postal regulations: "interception of mail belonging to another."

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10y ago

It is illegal to reach any personal information that is not adressed to you with out the other persons consent. So I guess it is a crime if the person whose email you opened doesnt know

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Q: Is opening other peoples' mail a crime?
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Opening other peoples' mail is a crime everywhere in the United States. It is a federal crime.

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Is opening other peoples mail a crime in the Philippines?

Yes, opening other people's mail without their permission is considered a crime in the Philippines under the Anti-Opening of Others' Mail Law. This law prohibits the unauthorized opening, reading, and obstruction of mail meant for others. Offenders may face penalties and imprisonment.

Is opening other people's mail in the workplace a crime?

I don't know if it's a crime but it sure is unethical.

What is penality for opening other peoples mail posted in your mailbox?

There is no penalty in America, you get to keep it.

Is opening other people's mail a crime if it was sent via fedex not the USPS?

Yes. It may not be a federal crime, but it's still a crime.

What is the punishment for opening delaying or withholding other peoples mail in the uk?

up to 12 months in prison

Is it a crime if someone accuses you of opening their mail?

It's not a "crime" to accuse someone of opening mail if it is accompanied by proof or probable cause that they were doing it. However, it IS a violation of US Postal Regulations (a federal offense) to open mail belonging to someone other than the addressee.

Is opening a patient mail a crime?

Without permission-yes.

Is opening somebody's email a crime?

Is it illegal to open somebody's mail?

Is opening others mail a crime if people are housed in a shelter?

No, if a person is named specifically on the mail, then that person should open the mail.