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Obviously not, people buy cigaretts all the time. Tobacco is a narcotic, so no, narcotics are NOT illegal.

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Q: Is narcotics illegal
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What is the most profitable illegal trade?

buying Narcotics from Afghanistan.....

Are narcotics illegal?

absolutely not. whatever gave you guys that idea??

Is possession of marijuana a felony in Nevada?

Possession of narcotics, is illegal in the U.S.A. In Canada, Marijuana is not considered illegal.

Are narcotics only illegal?

Narcotics can be illegal or legal. It depends on how it's used and if you abuse the drugs a doctor prescribed by taking more than you should. Narcotics come from Opium Poppy plants for illegal and illegal purposes: in medicine, a narcotic is a pain killing drug relieving minor or major pain. Illegally, a narcotic is a drug with sleep-inducing properties and is sold illegally.

What are the three types of illegal drugs?

narcotics, hallucinogens, and some depressents

What is another word for illegal drugs?

Drogas Illigales (Spanish)

Why are narcotic drugs illegal?

yes they are

What is a good topic sentence for legalizing narcotics?

Although many narcotics are illegal, the problems that surround their illegality are limitless therefore the government should take measures to control the demand by decriminalizing narcotics and regulating their sale and distribution.

What is the punishment for possession of illegal narcotics?

It depends on the country you are in. There are places where it carries the death penalty.

What is paraphernalia?

Ths word can have several meanings in the law, but when used in connection with drugs and narcotics trade it refers to ANYTHING having to do, or associated, with the manufactuiring or usage of illegal drugs and narcotics.

Is Percocet illegal?

Percocet is a Schedule II narcotic, and requires a prescription for each fill the patient receives. It is not illegal provided the person using it has authorization from a legitimate doctor and has been prescribed it. It isn't lightly prescibed though. All illegal narcotics are listed as Schedule I narcotics - Heroin, Cocaine, LSD, etc.d

What are the laws on having narcotics if not perscribed?

every narcotic is ILLEGAL to possess unless for whom it was prescribed to. newtest3