It is in the dash at the top to the rear of the speedo binicle
Greg Stern
left side of speedo
you have either a bad speed sensor (check engine light on?) or a short in the printed panel and amp/ voltage reg. on the back of the speedo head. no check engine light on replace/ rebuild speedo head there are speedo shops. if light is on replace speed sensor as the OBD system uses this sensor to. clear codes and happy driving Johnie
One third of the seating capacity of a bus is the legal limit allowed for standing passengers (applies to public transit only),
There is no speedo cable on a 96, GM quit using them in 1987. You have a speed sensor, which is located on the top rear of the transmission. It will have a couple wires coming off it in a plug, that run thru the computer, then to the speedo. If your speedo has quit working, has it also set a check engine light? If so, I would recomend replacing the speedo sensor.
You can remove the speedo assembly and remove the bulb, problem solved. You can remove the speedo assembly and remove the bulb, problem solved.
replace your speed sensor
Nadine heimann
Is your speedometer not working? If your abs light or tracs light is on it may be the brake control module causing your speedo not to work.
Check engine is on BECAUSE the speedo is inop, assuming it was not on prior to speedo malfunction. Speedo is electronic. Could be numerous reasons ( no fuses are involved). Could be something simple like an electrical disconnect at transmission. Good luck