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Yes you can. It can be a little difficult though, and requires some practice.

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15y ago
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9y ago

Yes, in England (and the rest of the UK) we drive on the left.

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14y ago

Yes you can, but they are very hard to drive in

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12y ago

They drive on the left side of the road, but steering wheels are typically placed on the right side of the car.

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12y ago

Yes. Many cars from continental Europe travel in the UK.

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9y ago

Left hand drive cars are legal in the UK.

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Related questions

Does UK use left hand drive or right hand drive cars?

We drive on the left, so use rhd cars.

What side in UK Do they drive?

On the left hand side of the road.

Why would a garage in the UK advertise a car for sale as a European vehicle.?

The vehicle is probably left hand drive and the UK is right hand drive.

What side of the road do people in the UK drive on?

People drive on the left in England and typically the cars are right hand drive.

How do you drive when going to London from Vienna?

On the right hand side of the road until you get to the UK and then you have to drive on the left.

What side of the road do they drive on in Australia?

In Australia, people drive on the left side of the road.laft hand side, same as UK.

Why do you drive on the right hand side in England?

The UK (which includes England) drives on the left - not the right.

Is the VW Lupo available in a left hand drive?

You mean was the VW Lupo available in a left hand drive? The Lupo was discontinued in 2005. Everywhere BUT the UK, the Lupo was made left hand drive. The car that is now known as the Lupo is actually a rebadged VW Fox. This Lupo is only available in left hand drive as it's only sold in Mexico. The VW Fox it's based off of is available in left and right hand drive depending on where you are in Europe.

How many left hand drive cars are registered in the UK or where you could go to find out this information?

There is no easy way to find out that kind of information. While the DVLA holds details of every car registered in the UK - it is not required to indicate left or right-hand drive in the record.

Right or left hand drive are cars in Ireland?

Yes. Yes, drivers in Ireland (North & South) drive on the left. The only difference between the two are the road signs. The signs in the Irish Republic use kilometers (metric) for distances and speed limits, while the signs in the North (UK) use miles (imperial).

Is there a 1.5 ddis suzuki jimny in a right hand drive version available in the UK?

No, the best you could do is import a left hand drive one if you require the diesel that much.

Is it legal to drive with your left foot in new york?

Em, what if you only have a left leg. In the UK it is. It would have to be an automatic. In the UK there are adaptions to vehicles so that legless, or armless people can drive. It looks very strange to see a steering wheel on the floor.