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Q: Is lay taxes elastic enumerated or denied?
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Is lay taxes elastic enumerated denied?


Is lay taxes elastic or enumerated?


Elastic clause gives congress the power to do what?

The elastic clause grants the U.S. Congress the authority to pass laws that are necessary to carry out its enumerated powers. The enumerated powers are found in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.

What does power to lay and collect taxes mean?

To lay and collect taxes is to impose a specific amount the taxes are, and to collect taxes is to literally collect the taxes from people.

Give five examples of the enumerated powers of congress as specified in Article you Section 7 of the constitution?

Congress has the power to declare war, to establish post offices, to coin money, to provide and maintain a navy, and to lay and collect taxes.

Example of congressional enumerated power?

== == Enumerated powers are powers directly written in the constitution. Enumerated Powers of the Congress include: • Collect taxes • Borrow money • Regulate trade • Establish Bankruptcy codes • Coin money • Establish post offices • Provide a military • Provide a militia • Make all necessary and proper laws • Declare War

Does Congress lay taxes?


Congress has the power to?

lay and collect taxes

An example of congressional enumerated power is?

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes,duties,imposts, and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the US but all duties,imposts, and excises shall be uniform thoughtout the US.

Who has the power to lay and collect taxes and duties and imposts and excises?


What is one power that belongs to the federal government?

The power to lay taxes.

Who has the power to lay and collect taxes duties imports and excise?
