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Not really, justifiable or reasonable reliance on the promise of another can prevent the promisor from offering the defense that there was no consideration for their promise. An enforceable contract requires an offer, an acceptance, and a consideration (or a bargained for exchange). Under the doctrine of Promissory Estoppel, a promise can be held enforceable as a quasi-contract when it would be reasonably foreseeable to the promisor that the promisee would detrimentally rely on their promise. In that case the promisor would be liable to the promisee for reliance damages and possibly even expectancy damages.

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Q: Is justifiable reliance an element of fraud?
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Which of the following is not an element of fraud a. Scienter b. Misrepresentation of a material fact c. Justifiable reliance by the innocent party d. Ignorance of the law?

d. ignorance of the law d. ignorance of the law

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Because otherwise the accused can plausibly maintain that he intended it as a joke, and did not believe that his representations would be believed.

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Actual reliance is when the party acts or refrains from acting due to another person's misrepresentation of a material fact. Justifiable reliance is the party who is relying on the misstatement has the right to rely on it. (for exp. they have peculiar knowledge on the issue at hand) .

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You can sue the wrongful disclosure fraud if there is any misrepresentation, justifiable reliance, resulting damages and so on. The homeowners should point out each cause of action. You can approach a lawyer who can help you out. To sue a case you may need an upfront fee, monthly payments and bankruptcy payment plans.

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The word "justifiable" is an adjective.

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