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No. That is definitely not a given. It is possible to attempt suicide, fail, then receive treatment or have significant life changes that will make the notion of suicide one a person would not ever reconsider.

From my understanding ALL people will ponder the notion of committing suicide when circumstances are trying enough. Some have a greater tendency for it than others, but even healthy people with no mental problems will think about it under the right circumstances. Most people will simply dismiss the notion as a very bad option for handing the situation.

People who have previously attempted suicide may be more likely to go there in their thinking but as for it being a PROBLEM? That depends on what that person does to deal with the feelings of wanting to escape the pain and pressure he/she is under the first time around. Without working through learning to cope with what life throws at us someone who has previously resorted to attempting to take their own life will most likely return to that mode of coping when things become stressful enough. But there is without question GROWTH that can be achieved that will alleviate such hopelessness.

Speaking from personal experience I can honestly say it is possible to seriously attempt suicide at one point in your life and end up some time later with a mindset where the notion of doing something like that would be preposterous.

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Q: Is it true is a person who unsuccessfully attempts suicide will have suicidal thoughts the rest of his or her life?
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OK you could try the National Suicide Prevention Hot Line. 1-800- 273- TALK.

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