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No. You can't get it back without paying the full amount back first.

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Q: Is it possible to get your suspended license reinstated without paying your back support?
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Related questions

How long can child support be suspended?

Indefinitely, until the courts determine that support should be reinstated.

If your license is suspended for child support in one state will it affect it in another state?

Yes. A suspended license is invalidated everywhere.

Can you get a license in Georgia if Virginia has suspended it for the non compliance of child support order?


Can you get your license reinstated if you still owe back child support in order to get a job?

Motion the court for it see links below

In the state of Florida your driver's license can be suspended indefinitely for failure to pay child support?

In the state of Florida, your driver's license can be __________ for failure to pay child support.

How soon can you get your suspended drivers license for back child support?

As soon as you and the State agree on a payment plan.

Is it possible to drive only to work if your license is suspended?

NO, you are to never drive on a suspended license. In most cases, if you are heavily dependent on a job, and live quite a distance at which point no other reasonable means of transportation is possible, you can apply for what's known as a hardship license in your respective state. A hardship license is a license status that's extremely restrictive in that you can only drive to go to work and necessities, such as grocery shopping.

Will your license be suspended right away if you dont go to court for child support?

No, because license suspensions are initiated by the State child support enforcement agency after the amount of past-due support has reached the appropriate threshold.

Is it nation wide on child support for license suspensions?

Yes it is nationwide. If your license is suspended for non-payment of child support in state "A" and you move to state "B", state "B" will not issue you a new license until your suspension is cleared by state "A".

If you are delinquent paying child support can your drivers license be revoked?

Your drivers license can be suspended. You may be able to avoid that by entering into a payment plan with the relevant State agency.

Can you get a drivers license if you move to another state if your state suspended you for child support?

If you are paying your child support, then they don't have the right to do anything to you. If you are NOT paying then the state, not dmv, can have not only your drivers license suspended, but any type of license you have including your business license.

How long is your license revoked for child support?

Whether it's a drivers license or a professional license, the license is revoked or suspended until the past due amount including interest is paid, or the obligor and the State agree to a payment plan.