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They sound like they want to play hardball - if I were you I'd contact my insurance company and get them involved, because if the other insurance refuses to pay, they are going to have to bear the cost. Insurance companies call this action between them "SUBROGATION" and they should neogtiate the matter without your involvement. If you are un-insured or cannot get assistance from them, bring the other party to court and sue them for the costs. Your police report will eventually help you. I'd say that the weight of evidence is on your side.

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Q: Is it legal when police sited the other party at fault in an auto accident for failure to yield right of way yet other party's insurance is denying my claim stating that I am at comparable fault?
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How long does a failure to grant right of way accident stay on your insurance record in Connecticut?

Contact your agent or policy services for your insurance company and they will be able to tell you.

Will your insurance rate increase for failure to stop at a duly erected stop sign in North Carolins?

No, it is very likely that you insurance is going to increase for this. It will go up if you are in an accident.

Does auto insurance cover catastrophic engine failure?

No - auto insurance is not the same as a warranty. Insurance protects you against claims by other parties who may be injured by your bad driving, and, if you carry collision insurance, helps defray the cost of repairing your car after an accident.

Would a failure to yield ticket in Texas raise your car insurance rates?

Sure. A failure to yield ticket usually also comes with an accident and both of these factors will increase your insurance premiums. Just like having a clean record without any claims will reduce your rates.

Do I have to report to my insurance company that my 16-year-old just received a driver's license?

Yes, if the new driver lives at the insured address or will operate one of their insured vehicles. Failure to report your child's license may result in the insurance company denying coverage and/or canceling your insurance in the event your child causes an accident, or is involved in an accident with an uninsured driver, even if your child is not at fault. Depending on the laws of your state and your individual policy restrictions, your child may also be liable for any accident caused while driving another person's vehicle (sometimes the insurance follows the driver; sometimes it follows the insurance). The best course of action is report your new driver and pay the increased premiums to avoid the possibility of paying costly damages out of pocket. For more information about teenagers and legal requirements in your state, you can use the Related Link, below, to access

What is a insurance bond?

A bond is a promise to pay on your behalf if a condition occurs - such as failure to perform work by a deadline, or damage to property, etc. - with the understanding that the bonded person will pay the bond company back immediately. It is NOT insurance and does not have a cash value. two person vechal but insurance one person cmplitly accident and life cover furthar accident claim.

If you were in an accident but haven't been to court about it yet do you have to disclose it on an insurance quote?

Yes, Failure to divulge a risk factor such as this can void your policy. It's called Fraud by Misrepresntation.

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Failure to report an accident?

You really only need to report an accident if you expect any compensation.

You were in a car accident and you got rear ended but neither one of us had car insurance what would happen?

You both are in trouble. You mentioned that you were rear ended. The other person should have been ticketed for being at fault in the accident . You should have been ticketed for failure to have insurance. The DANCE has just begun. Hopefully no one was hurt. This may lighten your load.

Does your insurance cover engine failure?


What happens if you cause a car accident and you have no car insurance?

You could be liable for all damages to the vehicles. You can be responsible for any medical bills incurred. You will most probably receive a traffic citation for the accident and failure to maintain insurance coverage. You can be sued by the person you hit for any number of things from medical bills to loss of work due to injuries or loss of a vehicle or mental stress. You will learn that insurance is not something that you can let lapse.