Fake surveillance cameras are often a good way to deter thieves without the expense of a real surveillance system. Unless a real surveillance system is required for your particular business by local or state law, fake cameras are completely legal. (Even if your business is required to have a real surveillance system, you can probably have fake cameras in addition to the real ones. However, you would have to read your city or state's law.)
depends where you live
Yes, if the cameras are invading the privacy of others (such as neighbours etc...) Or if they need information (video evidence) from the cameras.
All spy cameras can be legal or illegal depending on the way they are used. If you use it for home security then it's perfectly legal. If you use it for ... uh, spying on someone in a bad way (bathroom) then it could be illegal.
Yes, it is legal for stores to have security cameras in all fitting rooms, provided that customers are informed in some way that they are there. If you have been told that there are cameras there, and enter the fitting room, you are giving your consent for them to film you.
It varies from state to state. All states and regions are different in the way store security is handled. Many stores require the store to have a sign saying that cameras are in use and some states totally outlaw the use.
It is legal, but it is not wise. If you post such signs, and a crime is committed that the cameras should have detected, you can be held liable, in that the victim had valid reason to believe cameras were in existence. Also, I would add that, if you posted the signs, it shows that YOU believe that the area in question is dangerous enough to require camera surveilance. Not having cameras where you know they're required can be construed as negligence.
Cameras are legal in many instances of there is an issue that requires supervision. Cameras are legal if the patient needs this monitoring or there is a possibility of abuse occurring.
Yes, it is legal
The Department for Transport guidelines suggest that speed/safety cameras should be yellow however (as of April 2007) this is no longer a legal requirement.
It is legal to broadcast the footage depicting him as a thief as long as they do not refer to him as a thief. Security cameras are put up to catch crimes and criminals and without the camera they wouldn't have any idea where the mans wallet was so I would think a reward would be nice for the man who found it.