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Texas is what is commonly called a "one party consent" state, which means that if one party to the conversation knows the conversation is being recorded and consents to the recording, the other party need not. Here is a longer overview of the Texas law:

However, even assuming that it is legal to record the conversation, there may be limits on the use of that recording. For instance, depending upon how the state of Texas recognizes and applies the marital/spousal privileges, such a recording might not be admissible as evidence in a legal proceeding.

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Q: Is it legal to tape a husband and wife conversation in Texas?
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Is it legal to tape anything in Texas even if you are not addressed and you are not party to the conversation?

If you are targeting a specific person, no, it is not. If you are tape recording something in a public place and just happen to pick up a conversation - IN AN AREA WHERE A PERSON WOULD NORMALLY NOT EXPECT PRIVACY - then the statements overheard on tape are not subject to the laws restriction.

Is it against the law to video tape someone without their consent in Canada?

In Ontario, it is not as long as one party has consented. In short, if you are doing the videotaping and you are a party to the conversation, it is legal. You cannot tape anyone without their consent if you are not a party to the conversation.

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Yes, as long as you are a party to that conversation. Just because it is not illegal does not mean that an employer has to allow it. They will have a policy regarding recording devices.

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What kind of taping? You can record any conversation you are a party to. Texas Penal Code Section 16.02 For visual recording it is illegal to record someone without their permission and if it "arouse(s) or gratify(ies) the sexual desire of any person" Texas Penal Code Section 21.15

Is it legal to tape a conversation you are having with your wife without her knowledge in Oregon?

"legal" in the sense that if you do it, you can go to jail or "legal" in the sense that whatever you record can be used later in a case against her? Yes and no, respectively.

Is it legal to tape record a conversation without the other parties knowledge in Delaware?

If the conversation is deliberately loud enough that you are made to hear it, and you can tape record it as now its a public source. No Legal boundations can be made on public speeches especially which can propel and resolve a criminal case. The legal confidentiality restricts to conversations made at home or meeting rooms where you have sneaked in the recorder for ulterior motives.

Is it legal to tape record a personal conversation without their consent then use it against them or as blackmail?

yes but u kan do it if u want to

Can you tape someone's conversation without your permission in CA?

No, it is illegal to record or eavesdrop on a private conversation in California without the consent of all parties involved. California is a two-party consent state, meaning that all parties must consent to being recorded for it to be legal.

Is it illegal to tape a person's face to face conversation if they didn't give consent to be recorded?

If you are talking in the legal sense, no, not if they have been read the Miranda Rights. It is normal for all legal interrogations to be recorded to cya.

How do you get recorded conversation?

Tape a recorder to your chest........

How do you save a conversation on Halo 3?

You can use a tape recorder to record a conversation on Halo 3.

Is it legal to tape something on tv and upload it on the internet?

It is not legal to tape copyrighted information