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I dont know, but I think it's wrong becuase, yes there imates but they have rights to and as long as their not threating anyone they should be able to wright their family and friends. Becuase well...we all make mistakes dont we only theirs just a bit worst. AND IF YOU MADE ONE OF THOSE MISTAKES WOULDNT YOU WANT TO KNOW THAT SOMEONE LOVED YOU AND WANT TO WRIGHT YOU.

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Q: Is it legal to stop inmates from sending or receiving mail in New York State?
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No, Gmail account creation is perfectly legal. There are no cons associated with it. You can start sending and receiving as soon as your create.

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No because they could be sending something, or reporting something to someone in the outside world, helping them with a possible jail break, or dealing drugs, or some sort of that. So it could be a way of communicating.

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Same-sex marriage is either legal in a state or it isn't. For example, in New York, it is legal. Therefore, where married couples are eligible for conjugal visits, the gender of the spouses is irrelevant. Where inmates can marry on prison grounds, the gender of the spouses is irrelevant. In a state like Tennessee, same-sex marriage is not legal and the prison system likewise does not recognize such marriages.

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I am not aware of the president visiting inmates recently, but he used to be an advocate for the poor in Chicago, as well as a lawyer doing legal aid work, so he may have visited inmates during that period of time.

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Fraud: The legal ramifications are severe in every jurisdiction. You must notify the state that the child is no longer with you.Fraud: The legal ramifications are severe in every jurisdiction. You must notify the state that the child is no longer with you.Fraud: The legal ramifications are severe in every jurisdiction. You must notify the state that the child is no longer with you.Fraud: The legal ramifications are severe in every jurisdiction. You must notify the state that the child is no longer with you.

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Geoffrey Philip Alpert has written: 'Legal problems of prison inmates' -- subject(s): Prisoners, Legal status, laws

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Yes, only if you didn't sell them to the person your sending them to. As in sending them to yourself.

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(in the US) These may differ from state-to-state and according to whether the shcool is public or private, and/or if it is private but receiving public funding. Try the below link to see if it might be of assistance to you:

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it is legal in some states it is illegal to text while driving

Can the state tax you on a goods that you are not receiving?

I'm puzzeled by what you could possibly mean....but I'm not at all sure that receipt of something is important to tax. And to be certain, if i buy something to be delivered to someone a legal sense i received it...controlling what happens ot can be done with it is the same as receiving.