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In general, once a creditor sells a debt to a collection agency, they transfer the rights and ownership of that debt to the agency. As a result, the collection agency becomes responsible for attempting to collect the debt. In most cases, the original creditor no longer has the authority to reissue a warrant or take direct legal action against you for that specific debt.

However, laws regarding debt collection can vary by jurisdiction, and there may be specific rules or regulations that could impact the ability to reissue a warrant in certain circumstances. It's essential to consult with a legal professional who is knowledgeable about debt collection laws in your area if you have concerns or questions about your specific situation. They can provide guidance tailored to your circumstances and the applicable laws in your jurisdiction.

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Gaurika verma

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no... once the 7 years has been achieved on a collection account. The account is no longer valid and must be removed if disputed by a consumer.

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Q: Is it legal to reissue a warrant after you sell it to a collection agency?
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Are your rights the same if your credit card debt went to a legal firm and not a collection agency or is a legal firm considered a collection agency?

Yes, a collections law firm, is still defined under the FDCPA as a collector. They are required to follow the same regulations that apply to a regular collection agency.

If something has been sent to collection can the collection agency charge you interest?

If the original creditor charged interest then the collection agency will continue to accrue interest at either your states legal rate or whatever you agreed to in the original contract until the debt is either paid or sold to another collection agency or placed with an attorneys firm for legal litigation.

If you are making sporadic payments to a collection agency and they cash them can they still sue the cosigner?

Unless you have a specific repayment plan that the collection agency agreed to, there is no legal reason that cannot sue the cosigner.

Do you still need to pay a company if you are paying a collection agency for the charged off debt?

No, as they are the legal agent of the original Creditor and the arrangements made with the collection agency are binding on the original Creditor.

Can a collection agency collect for medical bills from a juvenile?

Yes, they can collect from the parents or legal guardian.

Is it legitimate if a collection agency sent you a letter stating that their client would settle for a certain amount if paid by a certain date and they want you to fax the letter to them?

Before making any commitments to a collection agency, you should get confirmatio from the original creditor that the collection agency has legal authority to collect at settle the debt.

Can a collection agency freeze your bank account in NC?

No, it is illegal for a collection agency to garnish or freeze your account for any reason. The only way your account can be garnishes is if you owe taxes or child support. If a collection agency threatens to do this, tell them that you are aware of the Credit Reporting Laws on this matter (there is legal ground for this matter).

If a collection agency repossesses something they had no legitimate claim to what legal recourse do you have against the company?

sue them for "conversion".

Once a debt is given to a collection agency can you get the creditor to take it out of the creditor's hands?

Once a debt is handed over to a collection agency, it's typically out of the original creditor's hands. However, it may be possible to negotiate with the creditor to recall the debt from the collection agency, but this process can be challenging and may require convincing the creditor of your ability to repay the debt directly. It's advisable to communicate directly with both the creditor and the collection agency to explore your options and find a resolution.

Does an agency of the government have the legal right to search a person's home and take possessions without a search warrant?

Specifically WHAT agency of the government are you referring to? If they are doing so at the direction of a court order, yes. Otherwise they must have a valid search warrant. EXCEPTION: The Internal Revenue Service.

Can a collection agency collect on an unpaid medical bill even after the hospital closed down?

Yes, the debt is a legal "thing" and can be sold on to other organizations for collection.

Is it legal for a collection agency to try and collect on a Sunday?

no ,they also cant call before 9 am or after 9 pm