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Probably not unless you are a registered and practicing locksmith.

in qld the law reads

A person possessing lock picks, an electronic car door lock scanner, or a
jemmy in other than easily explainable circumstances, e.g., a locksmith,
carpenter, or a person undertaking home renovations, may warrant the
suspicion of police that the person may intend to used the equipment for a
burglary or vehicle theft. Obviously, the suspicion held by police must be
reasonable and therefore will be dependent on the circumstances under
which the person is found with the items. For example, a person holding a
scanner while standing near a vehicle parked in a car park will raise
suspicion that the person intends to break into the vehicle.
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14y ago
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13y ago

There is no law against the ownership of lockpick kits in the UK. However there are quite a few against the use of them (unless it's on your own property or on private land with owner's permission) and they will be confiscated if found on your person by the police in a public place.

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12y ago

No, but being gay is

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Q: Is it legal to own lock picking kits in Australia?
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Is it legal to own lock picking kits in Missouri?

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Yes, it is legal to own lock picking tools in Colorado.

Is it illegal to possess lock picking tools in west Virginia?

Yes, it is legal to possess lock picking tools in Virginia.

Is it legal to carry lock picking tools in PA?

In Pennsylvania, it is legal to possess lock picking tools as long as you do not have intent to use them for illegal purposes, such as breaking and entering. However, using lock picking tools to unlawfully enter a property is a criminal offense. It's important to understand the laws and regulations surrounding the possession and use of lock picking tools in your state.

Is it legal to own lock picking tools in new york?

Yes, it is legal to own lock picks in New York.

Is it legal to have a lock pick in the state of Kansas?

Yes, it's legal to carry a lock picking set in Missouri.

Is it legal to carry a lock picking set in Ohio?

In Ohio, it is legal to possess lock picking tools, such as lock picks, as long as you do not have criminal intent to use them for unlawful purposes like breaking and entering. It is important to use lock picking tools responsibly and within the law.

Where do you buy a lock picking kit?

Lock picking kits can be purchased online from various websites or through specialty lock picking shops. It's important to research the legality of owning and using lock picking tools in your area before making a purchase. Additionally, some locksmith supply stores may carry lock picking kits for sale.

What are the ratings and certificates for Lock Picking - 2002?

Lock Picking - 2002 is rated/received certificates of: Germany:12

Is it legal to buy a lock pick set from the US and have it shipped in to Victoria Australia?

I honestly don't see why it wouldn't be.

Can liquid nitrogen be used to pick a lock?

Using liquid nitrogen to pick a lock may not be effective. Liquid nitrogen can make metal more brittle, but this is unlikely to aid in picking a lock. Lock picking typically requires specialized tools and techniques, rather than the application of extreme cold.

What actors and actresses appeared in Lock Picking - 2002?

The cast of Lock Picking - 2002 includes: Rainer Ewerrien as Igor Lou Camilla Renschke as Anna