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Please write a longer question. How old are they? Is it while you're at the grocery store? While you're working? While you take a trip? How long will they be alone?

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Q: Is it legal to leave kids alone in minnesota?
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If you move to London and leave your kids with their father can i get in trouble?

yes never leave your kids with there dad alone.

How can you have any pudding?

Simple. Tell the teacher to leave them kids alone.

What is the legal age when kids can stay home alone in Chicago IL.?


Hey teacher leave those kids alone?

The Wall, Pink Floyd

What age can you leave your kids at home alone?

In the of 10 the children can stay alone

What can you do your kids father's who died his family won't leave your kids alone?

Not sure what you mean by not leaving them alone. They are still the kids relatives so there's no reason why they shouldn't see them just because he died. That should be the kids decision not yours. Biologically they are not your relatives.

What is the legal age to leave kids at home in Louisiana?

In Louisiana, there is no specific legal age requirement for leaving children home alone. However, it is recommended that children under 12 years old should not be left at home without adult supervision. Parents should use their judgment to determine when their child is mature enough to be left alone.

What band sang teacher leave those kids alone?

Pink Floyd in "Another Brick in the Wall"

Is it illegal to leave your kids home alone for 2 months?

Not if you live in Alabama, Kentuky, Arkansas, or Mississippi.

Should I leave your kids with pedobear the clown to do clown stuff with your kids for an hour while you go grocery shopping?

absolutely not. That is very dangerous to leave your kid alone with someone you don't even know.

My kids father and I seem to be at the end of our relationship if I leave he said I can't take the kids I'm the sole caregiver what do I do?

You must get help from a lawyer or a legal aid. He can not prevent you from taking the kids but you will have to share custody. If you leave and take the kids, he will have to pay child support. Again seek legal help. Things are a little different in different states.

What is the legal age in Texas when kids can stay home alone?

There is no set legal age in Texas. You have to look at things like the ability of the child, length of time they will be alone, ability to seek help if needed, safety of the neighborhood, etc.