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yes, but not all night or you will get arrested, lol,............

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Q: Is it legal to drink on your front porch in Gatineau Quebec?
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How old do you have to be to drink at a house party?

legal drinking age 19 in canada, 18 in quebec 21 us

How old do you have to be to drink TEQUILA?

19, ho bags, in Canada... 18 in Quebec, for shizzle In most places in the US, 21 is the legal drinking age.

What is the legal drink?

The legal drink limit is 0.8

What is the drinking age in Quebec?

The legal drinking age for Canada for every province except Quebec and Alberta is 19. Quebec and Alberta is 18.

What are the laws of teen drinking in Canada?

Teenagers below the age of 19 are not allowed to drink in most provinces and territories. Some provinces, such as Quebec and Alberta, have the legal drinking age set at 18.

Where can one find a legal transcription services company in Quebec?

One can find a legal transcription services company in Quebec through EvoluzInc. Translation Services. The Yellow Pages also would have listing for other companies in the Quebec area.

Can you drink in a limousine?

as long as the front is closed from the back and you aren't driving, its legal to drink.

What is the legal age for children to stay at home alone in quebec?

According to the Quebec immigration/citizens' website, the legal age is 12 years or older. A child under 12 cannot stay home alone.

What age in Mexico is it legal to drink for Christmas?

The legal age to drink in Mexico is 18 years old.

What age are you legal?

18 is the legal age. 21 is the legal age to drink!!!

Is it legal to drink alcoholic beverages while on a boat in Virginia?

I dont know, but it is legal to drink on a boat in Wisconsin.

Is it legal to drink on the street in Reno Nevada?

No it is not legal to drink on the street. It was but that law was changed 15-20 years ago.