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Medical records are a complicated issue. Who owns them? The clinic or hospital that maintains the record, or the person about which the record is kept? Most states now say the clinic or hospital owns the actual physical record, and the person owns the information. This gives you the right to see your records and to decide who has access to them. In order to destroy the record a Judge would have to issue an order to the keeper of the record to expunge it. You would need a compelling reason as to why the record should be destroyed. It is currently not legal to have a medical record destroyed without a court order.

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Q: Is it legal to destroy medical records?
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Can medical records from fifteen years ago be obtained?

typical hospital policy is to destroy medical records at 15 years, however, if they do have them, and you are the patient (or legal guardian of the patient) then yes, you can by contacting the hospital.

Do parents have rights to their children's medical records after they have lost custody?

Generally, the person who has legal custody or legal guardianship of the child has right to the child's medical records. A parent who does not have legal custody is not entitled to the child's medical records. Generally, they would need a court order to obtain them.Generally, the person who has legal custody or legal guardianship of the child has right to the child's medical records. A parent who does not have legal custody is not entitled to the child's medical records. Generally, they would need a court order to obtain them.Generally, the person who has legal custody or legal guardianship of the child has right to the child's medical records. A parent who does not have legal custody is not entitled to the child's medical records. Generally, they would need a court order to obtain them.Generally, the person who has legal custody or legal guardianship of the child has right to the child's medical records. A parent who does not have legal custody is not entitled to the child's medical records. Generally, they would need a court order to obtain them.

When can you in the state of tn legally destroy medical records?

call the hospital or your local Circuit court if the medical records are just copies for Criminal proceedings.

How do you destroy electronic medical rocords once its conveted?

It is illegal and against law suits and policy to destroy, alter, change or view a person's medical records.

Is a 17 year old required to provide medical records to one of both parents?

Your parents have legal access to your medical records until you turn 18 when he/she is your legal guardian.

How long medical records kept in california?

Medical records are kept for ever no matter what happens to the patients since is a legal document.

How long are medical records kept in California?

Medical records are kept for ever no matter what happens to the patients since is a legal document.

How can you find archived medical records?

Archived Medical records are stored in the Hospital via their medical records section. They store archived one's for research expecially for those medico-legal cases.

Review Services?

Medical Records Review Services for Legal Industries

Is medical records an example of a source of law?

No, medical records are not a source of law. They may be used as evidence in legal proceedings, but they do not have the authority to establish or interpret laws. Legal sources include statutes, regulations, case law, and legal precedent.

Law had medical records from DR without patients consent is that legal?

If they were subpoeana'd by a court of law for use as evidence, yes, it is legal.

Does HIPAA allow access to medical records by Federal Agencies?

Not unless they are accessed by legal means.