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As long as you aren't a felon, or aren't using it during the commission of a crime.

Florida's New Gun Lawboosts civilian body armor sales Cached

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Yes it is as long as you do not use it during the commission of a crime.

"A person is guilty of the unlawful wearing of a bulletproof vest when, acting alone or with one or more other persons and while possessing a firearm, he or she commits or attempts to commit any murder, sexual battery, robbery, burglary, arson, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, kidnapping, escape, breaking and entering with intent to commit a felony, or aircraft piracy and, in the course of and in furtherance of any such crime, he or she wears a bulletproof vest."

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Q: Is it legal in Florida to wear body armor for safety if your not a cop?
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What is the roman armor made out of?

Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.

Is it legal to have type 3 body armor?

In most states I believe it is fine to purchase type III armor. The issue in some states is you must not have any previous convictions. In the UK its completely legal.

Is it legal to own a bullet-proof vest in Arizona?

In my opioion I think you should be alloud

What is made up the Military body armor?

Body armor is made of Kevlar.

What is special about the Point Black Body Armor?

The Point Black Body Armor are bullet proof leather body armor. The military, law enforcement, and correctional professionals all use this body armor to protect themselves from any injury to the body.

What does the kenning body warden refer to?

It is armor

Is it legal to possess body armor in Chicago Illinois and what types illegal?

No just don't commit a crime wearing body armor that is illegal. Any way you should be telling the world that you wear it it your business and no one ells so just keep it to your self and No its not illegal

Is it legal to posses body armor in Idaho?

yes if you haven't ben convicted of a felony. You can purchase on-line or face 2 face in Idaho

What is the body armor?

body armor is a sort of protection that is worn on the body to help defend arrows and weapon blows

Who invented the first body armor?

No one can know, hunting and body armor each are a illdefined question when it comes to knowing it's oragins. Each group had a style to body armor.

How do you get half dollar body armor on Mafia Wars?

take a body armor and do crack till its silver