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There are no US laws prohibiting brothers and sisters from sharing a room.

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Q: Is it legal for siblings of the opposite sex to share a bedroom in NJ?
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Can the opposite sex siblings share the same bedroom in the state of New York?


Legal age of opposite sex children can share a bedroom in kent?

no laws exist

Is there a NY state law regarding opposite sex children sharing a bedroom?

no there isn't i looked it up on and it says nothing about opposite sex children sharing a bedroom being illeagal.

At what ages are different sex siblings not allow to share a bedroom?

no age! personally i think that siblings can always share bedrooms even if they are of opposite sex until unlesssss they are above eighteen...then it embarrassing lol

In TN is it illegal for a brother and sister to share a bedroom?

Of course it is legal for siblings of the same sex to share a bed! Not everything in life is legal-illegal--- thank goodness! Plenty of siblings shared a bed growing up and are none the worse for it.

Is it illegal for an eighteen year old boy to share a bedroom with his thirteen year old brother?

It is not illegal for siblings to share a room. Age has nothing to do with it.

Is it legal for first cousin who share the same grandparents and the same siblings to be together in a relationship?

First cousins always share one set of grandparents. First cousins never share siblings because those who share siblings are brothers and sisters. Depending on the nature of the relationship between first cousins, and the laws of the place where they live, it may be legal or not.

In Wisconsin can opposite sex siblings share a room?

Entire families share the same room. There is no 'law' against it.

Is it legal for cousins of the same sex and age share a bedroom in New Hampshire?

it is not illegal for a brother and sister who are aged 5 and 2 to have to share a room in New Hampshire. The parents can however have them in different rooms if the space permits.

What are the Massachusetts laws of opposite sex siblings sharing a bedroom?

There are no laws in the United States restricting siblings from sharing a room. Thus, it is perfectly legal for male and female siblings in Massachusetts to share a room. In apartment complex that there can not be any sharing of a room with brother and sister. Two brothers can share a room or two sisters can share a room. In a rented house or own your home that you can share a room with both genders. For example, You have an 11-year-old brother and an 8-year-old sister or the girl is 11 and the boy is 8. Go for it. Word of thumb. Living quarters in a family are private. This means we do not share things in public. When we have company over that they do not go into the living quarters of the home unless they are very close to the family.

Is it legal for a 3 year old girl to share a bedroom with a 3 year old boy in Iowa?

It's legal if they're brother and sister, maybe.

What age can two brothers share a room?

Up to a certain age if they are siblings, but once they get about 6 or 7 you should separate as they will start wanting privacy. Added: Since you asked this in the law and legal issues category, I will add that it is not illegal for them to share a bedroom, if inadvisable.