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Q: Is it legal for one creditor to place the debt with two agencies at the same time?
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Is it legal for a creditor or debt collection agency to access a bank account for debt collection?

To access to bank account as such, no. But if the debtor agrees to have ACH for payments, then the creditor or collection agencies can withdraw funds, or depending on the state laws a Judge can authorize to garnish wages from the bank. Find laws that apply to the debt in the resources box

How do i find out who the original debt is owed to if two colection agencies are trying to collect?

Ask the collection agencies. They have to reveal who the debt was incurred through, The real question is why are there TWO agencies collecting the same debt? Be sure that there aren't two separate amounts owed to the original creditor.

Am I in a debt collection process?

The easiest way to find out if you are in a debt collection process is when a debt recovery agency contact you or the creditor some times handle debt collection inhouse. Usually collection agencies send a demand letter but that depends after the creditor turn to collections their receivables

Can you use a debt consolidation company if the credit card companies have already sold your accounts to collection agencies?

Yes, but neither a collection agency nor the original creditor has any legal obligation to communicate or accept the terms offered by a debt consolidation agency.

Is it legal for debtor to assign debt to a willing third party?

It is not legal for a debtor to assign debt to a willing third party unless the creditor is involved. The creditor must approve the transaction. For example, the sale of an automobile with the statement agreeing that the buyer takes over payments is valid if the creditor agrees.

What to do if a creditor still says that you owe them after a cancellation of debt?

Ask the creditor to send you written verification of the debt including all of their documents after incurring the debt. If the cancellation of the debt is not indicated in their documents, then dispute the debt by providing your written notification of cancellation of the debt to the creditor and if unsuccessful, then dispute the debt with the credit bureaus who will initiate an investigation with the creditor and the credit bureau will usually repond to you in 30 days. If no response from the creditor then it will usually be deleted from your credit report. If the collection harassment continues then ignore it realizing that probably no legal action will be taken against you or you can contact an attorney to contact the creditor. Either pay the debt or file bankruptcy.

What is OSI collection services inc?

OSI Collection Service is a "Third Party" Collection agency. Collection agencies buy your information from the original creditor in order to collect on a debt. What this means is that they make money if you pay anything on this debt, not only from the original creditor, but a commission on the payment that you make on that debt.

Can you be sued after a bill was charged off on your credit record?

Yes, a 'charge off' does not invalidate the debt nor the legal rights of the creditor to collect that debt.

If a debt on your credit report says 'bad debt write off ' can the creditor still sue you or collect the money?

= If your credit report reports that you have a bad debt write-off, then it means that the original creditor has written off the debt, but they can still sell the rights to the debt to a collection agency and they can contact you and take legal action.

Is it legal for a creditor to sell an unpaid debt?

Absolutely, this occurs every day. Creditors often sell debt for pennies on the dollar. This is a very big business.

Does the creditor have to get a court order each time they levy money out of an account once they took money out the first time?

It depends on the circumstance. If for the same account or debt then no, the creditor has the right to exercise said levy until restitution is made upon that debt. If there are multiple debts with the same creditor, each debt should carry its on legal action unless consolidated by court, or your personal agreement with the creditor.

Once a debt is given to a collection agency can you get the creditor to take it out of the creditor's hands?

Once a debt is handed over to a collection agency, it's typically out of the original creditor's hands. However, it may be possible to negotiate with the creditor to recall the debt from the collection agency, but this process can be challenging and may require convincing the creditor of your ability to repay the debt directly. It's advisable to communicate directly with both the creditor and the collection agency to explore your options and find a resolution.