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Not enough information is disclosed about the rental contract or lease agreement, and the circumstances, to render an opinion. Consult with an attorney or speak with someone at landlord/tenant court.

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Q: Is it legal for an apartment manager and co-leaser to change locks and remove the other leasers name from the rental agreement without their knowledge or consent?
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Consensus, is a shared agreement. It seeks to maximize agreement. Consent based decision making seeks to reveal and address dissent, but specifically requires that dissent be rooted in experience, proven instinct, or specialized knowledge. It is usually the better choice.

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Consent is a noun (the consent) and a verb (to consent).

What is unanimous consent?

Everyone is in complete agreement.

What is mutual consent?

"consent" means 'agreement' "mutual" means 'possessed in common by two or more people or groups' Thus mutual consent mans 'agreed in common' - or 'by common agreement' - NOTE all parties have to agree - there can be no abstention or rejection by any party if there is to be a mutual consent.

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Agreement, consent, unanimity.

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You can, but if you are looking for an apartment, you need to have your parents consent.

If I moved from my mothers apartment can I move back in after 3 years?

Assuming you are an adult you have no right to move into your mother's apartment. You would need her consent.

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Only the parts superseded by the later agreement.

What is the definition of the word consent?

Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.

How can a 16 year old in Michigan move into an apartment with her 18 year old boyfriend if she has parental consent?

What do you mean by how? You have parental consent and you are also age of consent so you can just move.