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The only legal use of vinegar as an herbicide is when the vinegar is specifically labeled as such. Otherwise, it violates federal pesticide laws.

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Q: Is it illegal to use household vinegar as an herbicide?
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What hazard symbol does vinegar have?

Vinegar does not have a hazard symbol. It is generally considered safe for household use and consumption.

What household product can you use instead of emulsion cleaner?

You can use a mixture of vinegar and water as an alternative to emulsion cleaner for cleaning household surfaces. Vinegar is effective at cutting through grease and grime, making it a natural and eco-friendly cleaning solution.

How does using herbicide tolerant crops increase herbicide use?

Because the crop you are using is tolerant to the herbicide you are using, you can use more before it will damage the crop. Because of this, you use more herbicide to kill the unwanted flora.

How do you control clover when there is an herbicide ban where you live?

You use a herbicide to control clover not a pesticide.

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How do you kill the plant with the herbicide on poptropica?

step up to the plant, go to your items, click use herbicide.

What is the use of a vinegar?

Vinegar, which is a nothing but diluted acetic acid (around 7-10%). It is commonly used as a condiment or a pickling agent, but it is also used for household cleaning. It can be used to remove rust.

How do you paint on tile?

Try using household vinegar. You'll need to soak the marks first with the vinegar, then use a nylon nonabrasive type sponge to scrub off the mark.

What is a common use of vinegar?

A common use of vinegar is as a cooking ingredient, used for flavoring, preserving, and pickling foods. It is also commonly used as a cleaning agent due to its acidic properties, which can help remove dirt and grime.

Can you use apple cider vinegar to clean?

Cider vinegar is a wonderful and time tested household cleaner. You can find out a lot about its applications around the house here:

Is acetic acid a food acid?

Acetic acid is your household white vinegar, albeit diluted. I wouldn't use the strong stuff in food though.