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The 14th Amendment has nothing to do with this.

There is NO law that has ever been enacted to make people engage in Common Sense and Manners. Is it wrong if I tell someone where you live-- maybe. Is it against the law---probably NOT.

However, if you are receiving care from a professional (doctor, nurse, psychologist, counselor) or hospital / clinic, and your address is part of your records, then HIPPA governs who may share the information and under what conditions. If I'm just being stupid, I could likely lose my job (but nothing more serious). My license to practice may be in jeopardy, as unethical behavior. But if you as a patient made a threat against someone who lives at that address, professionals are mandatory reporters to protect human life.

But there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution or Bill of Rights that protects your street address/ home address.

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Q: Is it illegal to give out a person's home address without permission against the law of 14th ammendment?
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